Duh, senengnya dengan ngomong soal masak-memasak. Apalagi bisa di-share sama cookinglovers semua :)
Anyway, sebenernya apa ya yang membuat kegiatan ini begitu menyenangkan bagi seseorang?
Kalo aku boleh me-list alasan-alasannya (according to my experience) :
  1. Puas ngeliat hasil karya memasak. Rasanya kalo masak sendiri tuh, makan jd kian lahap. Walhasil makanan jadi ga bersisa en jadi mubadzir.
  2. Hemat Uang. Buat Ibu-ibu yang tiap bulannya harus tung-itungan (kok jadi logat madura yak?). Memasak sendiri merupakan cara cermat utk mengatur pengeluaran pangan tiap harinya. Bayangin aja ya cookinglovers... Aku tuh kan pernah jadi anak kos, so pasti uang juga pas-pasan. Kalo harus beli terus tiap hari di warung depan kos, sekali makan bisa keluar uang Rp. 10.000 an. Lah, kalo sehari 3x makan? Bisa-bisa akhir bulan cuma makan mie instan ato malah cuman kerupuk. he3x...
  3. Terjamin kebersihannya. Kita kan ga pernah tau kalo makanan jadi yg kita beli tuh waktu dimasak apakah udah dicuci ato belum sayuran, ikan, ato ayamnya? belum lagi apakah alat masaknya itu food grade ato nggak? Apalagi kalo harus beli makanan panas dan berkuah yg diwadahi dalam plastik, oh... no...! zat-zat beracun hasil reaksi panas dari makanan dan plastik itu bisa memperlemah daya tahan tubuh kita lho cookinglovers... Hi... scary nggak siy?
  4. Terukur nilai gizinya. Masak sendiri, berarti kita bebas menentukan seberapa takaran bahan dan bumbu yg akan kita gunakan. Kalo kita masak untuk suami or anggota keluarga yang punya penykit diabetes tentu kita bisa kira-kira seberapa besar glukosa ato pemakaian gula dll sehingga pas buat diet mereka. Satu hal yang penting, kita bisa mengendalikan atau tidak sama sekali menggunakan MSG. Ow..... that's important point! My father said that MSG or Vetsin, ato Monosodiumglutamat itu adalah zat yang juga terkandung dalam pupuk UREA. Tau kan pupuk itu buat apa? Yak, itu dipake utk menggemukkan tanaman. Coba aja deh, kasi Vetsin kita (apa pun mereknya) ke tanaman di rumah. Lalu, amati pertumbuhannya (yah, bikin percobaan biologi kecil-kecilan. Masi ingat caranya kan? waktu SMP dulu juga diajarin...). Kalo yg udah pernah kejadian, maka tumbuhan yg dikasi Vetsin itu tumbuh lebih gemuk dibanding yg enggak dikasi. Nah, cookinglovers bisa bayangin kalo zat itu bercokol dalam sistem metabolisme kita. Ow.... bisa tambah numbuh itu jaringan-jaringan dengan bebasnya alias tidak terkendali such as; tumor, etc.. Ngeri kan?? That's Why kalo ga perlu..... buangee....t ga usah pake MSG, kasi aja kaldu sapi or ayam yg kita buat sendiri. Gampang bgt kok buatnya, ntar aku share deh ilmu dari ibuku ini. Oya, satu lagi ttg MSG. Kata guru Kimia ku wkt SMA, zat itu akan bereaksi dg panas utk memperkuat rasa dari bahan makanan yg kita masak. Jadi, sebenarnya yg bikin enak tu bukan MSG-nya karena MSG sendiri bukanlah bumbu. MSG itu hanya membantu mengeluarkan aroma ato rasa yg sebenarnya udah kerasa di bahan yg kita masak.
  5. Melatih kreatifitas. Kalo udah di dapur, cookinglovers pasti ga akan bengong. Bahan-bahan yg ada akan masuk ke processor otak kita, lalu menuju direktori memori kita dan diproses, da...n taraaa...! Ting! berarti kita secara tidak langsung melatih otak kita supaya ga kosong. Itu penting banget loh cookinglovers. Tau ga, orang yg sering bengong tuh jarang make otaknya utk berpikir hal-hal kreatif. Akhirnya, waktu usia udah bertambah kian tua.... cepet pikun deh.... he3... maksa bgt ya?
  6. Ajang transfer ilmu. Hal menyenangkan yang terjadi di dapur waktu aku masih kecil hingga sekarang ini adalah ada interaksi positif antara aku dan yang berada di dapur denganku. Bagi cookinglovers yang udah jadi orang tua, jangan lewatkan dapur buat jadi tempat transfer ilmu, wawasan, pengalaman, curhat, de el el. Dulu, aku dan adikku tuh sering bgt bantu-bantu masak ibu, eyang putri ato bapak (eits... meskipun laki-laki bapakku nih jago bgt lho ngolah bahan makanan). Nah, sembari belajar memasak mereka pun akan bercerita tentang pengalaman, dan ilmu yang sangat amat bermanfaat buat keturunannya ini (aku en adikku). Semua yang kutulis di sini pun adalah hasil nongkrong barengku dg beliau-beliau yang mendidikku dg penuh rasa cinta. Hiks... hiks... jadi terharu... Eh, tapi bener bgt loh... Melakukan kegiatan bersama-sama anak di rumah adalah cara ampuh untuk dekat dan akrab dengan mereka. Jadi, cookinglovers bisa memberikan mereka pelajaran berharga tanpa mereka merasa bahwa mereka sedang diajari sesuatu. Just do it with fun ;) ! Oya, ngajarin mereka memasak juga penting bagi masa depannya utk survival, meskipun anak laki-laki. Well, we never know what will happend in the future kan? Yang jelas ga ada ruginya.
  7. Apalagi ya...? ntar deh, kuingat- ingat dulu. to be continued yah....

***** to be continued*****

(buat cookinglovers yang udah inget apa aja manfaat memasak sendiri, bisa share pengalamannya juga. Aya tunggu di )

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Sayur asem

Posted by aya | 10:59 AM | | 0 comments »

Sayur Asem

1 piece beefy beef rib
1 eggplant purple fruit, cut
1 fruit labuh vegetables, peeled, cut
1 melinjo hold the leaf and its flowers and fruit, if no, can replace some handles kangkung
1 fruit sweet corn, cut 2 cm
50 gr peanut wet, clean
4 bean stalk length, cut 3 cm
6 bean stalk, cut 2
3 pieces of cabbage leaves, cut the box
2 pieces of bay
2 pieces green chili, cut 2 cm
2 cm ginger, beaten
2 tbsp tamarind
1 tomatoes, be split
1 tsp brown sugar
1 tsp cooked paste
salt according to taste
1.5 lt water

Fine flavor
4 cloves garlic
Red onion 3 cloves
Kencur 1 cm (1 tsp powder)

How to create
1. Rib stew with 500 ml of water until soft, sliced meat, discard the bubble
2. Add water, corn, nuts, leaves / seeds / flower melinjo, smooth flavor, salam leaves, green chilli, ginger, brown sugar, paste, tamarind, confused, leave until the fire is being soft
3. Enter the purple eggplant, long beans, bean, cabbage, tomatoes, and salt, let the fading
4. Foster, serve

Serve with Ayam Goreng, Lalapan, Sambal Tomat, salted fish, Tempe, and Tahu Goreng

Sambal Kerang

500 gr shells that have been boiled and soft-cooked
1 cm ginger, at
3 cloves garlic, sliced thin
3 cloves red onion, thinly sliced
2 pieces of orange leaves, remas
250 gr red chilli, haluskan or 3 tbsp sambal olek
10 cm at Serai
50 ml olive oil
little salt

1. Heat oil, fry onion until fragrant and white
2. Enter chili, poke changed to darker colors
3. Enter the shell, ginger, lime leaves, and the Serai, confused, leave the water until the shell out and run-down back, occasionally stirred
4. Enter the salt, a poke, lift

Ayam Goreng

fry chicken in many ways

1 kg chicken, cut, wash, dry
1 lemon fruit, take water
2 tbsp vinegar
150 ml of water or more
vegetable oil to fry

Fine flavor
4 cloves garlic
4 cloves red onion
2 cm ginger
1 cm ginger
1 tbsp coriander
1 cm turmeric
little salt

How to create
1. Dye chicken with lime juice 15 minutes or more, clean, tiriskan
2. Stir together chicken smooth flavor, vinegar, and 150 ml of water.
3. Are boiled with the fire, stirred occasionally.
4. Add water little by little chicken, if not soft poke while average until soft.
5. Heat oil, fry chicken until colors are in the fire.
6. Lift, dry, served warm

Fried chicken is served almost match with all the cooking. Most major Sayur with Asem, or Sayur Lodeh, Tempe Goreng, Tahu Goreng, Lalapan, and Sambal Terasi

Asem - Asem Tempe

Posted by aya | 10:33 AM | | 0 comments »

Asem ASEM-tempe

For those who love to eat tempe

Materials :
2 Liter of water
200 grams of meat cattle tetelan
2 tbs cooking oil
2 cm ginger. beaten
1 sheet bay
2 pieces red chilli, slit lengthwise two
2 Cabal green fruit, two pieces lengthwise
200 gram tempe. pieces of 2x2 cm
3 star fruit fruit vegetables, sliced crosswise 1 cm
2 tsp acid, and remas-remas with 50 ml water, filtered
2 tablespoon chopped onion leaves

Mashed the ingredients:
2 cloves garlic
5 grains of red onion
4 grains sangrai candlenut
2 pieces of orange leaves
112 tsp paste fry
1 tsp brown sugar, curry
1 tablespoon salt

How to Make:

How to prepare: - Boil the water, boiled the meat to tenderize. Lift, keep the meat stock 500 ml.
- Heat oil, tumis smooth flavor, ginger, and bay until fragrant.
- Enter the red chili and green chili Aduk poke to languish.
- Enter the Tempe, tetelan meat, and broth. Boil
- Add vegetables star fruit, tamarind water, and leaf and onion.
- Cook until all ingredients well. Lift.
- Serve hot.

Tempe Goreng

250 gr tempe
oil to fry
100 ml water

Fine spices, spice powder for me:)
3 cloves garlic
Red onion 3 cloves
1 tbsp coriander
little salt

How to create
1. Cut the tempe, slice surface in order to spice diffluent
2. Seduh ingredients with the water
3. Tempe confused with the spices, leave 15 minutes going over
4. Heat oil, fry tempe with fire are
5. Lift, served warm

Serve with Ayam Goreng, Tahu Goreng, Sayur Asem, and Sambal paste

Also known by the name of Tempe Goreng tasty, Tempe Garit, because digarit tempe-garit (slice) so that permeate flavor, there is also the name Tempe Bugil.

Sambal Bajak

Material mashed
5 cayenne fruit
10 cayenne fruit
2 tomatoes
4 cloves garlic
1 tbsp brown sugar
little salt
2 tsp paste

Other Materials
10 cm Serai, at
1 cm ginger, at
2 pieces of bay
2 tbsp tamarind water (2 tbsp tamarind dyed with 2 tbsp water and diremas, take water)
50 ml water
2 cloves red onion, thinly sliced
3 tbsp olive oil for frying

How to create
1. Heat oil, fry onion until fragrant
2. Enter the fine material, Serai, ginger, bay, poke the wangi
3. Enter the water and tamarind water, Sape poke the fire with a small decrease
4. Enter the salt, poke, lift

Sambal Badjak pirate or come from Central Java. Serve with Ayam Goreng and Lalapan

Sambal Bawang

Fine material
10 cloves of onion
10 cloves garlic
500 gr red chili

100 ml olive oil
1 tsp salt

How to create
1. Heat oil, enter the mashed material, poke until cooked and colored sambal chilli oil out
2. Enter the salt, poke, lift

Sambal Praktis

2 cup chili sauce, washing, remove the stem
10 ripe red tomatoes, cut
5 cloves garlic
5 cloves of onion
1 tbsp paste
100 ml olive oil

How to create
1. Blender chili, tomatoes, paste, garlic, onion until destroyed (it's up to taste)
2. Heat oil, sambal tumis to decrease while diaduk2 with a hot medium, enter the sugar and salt, and taste correction

Sambal cayenne

was: sambal meatball

250 gr cayenne pepper, red or all green all
1 / 2 tsp salt
3 cloves garlic
broth slightly
2 tbsp spicy condiment bottles, condiment lampung ABC is good, red cayenne pepper, if all I need this condiment bottles

How to create
1. Steam cayenne pepper and garlic, haluskan
2. Mixed with salt, condiment bottles (optional) and tuangi broth taste appropriate thickness sambalnya, poke average
3. Ready presented

Serve with meat ball, Mie Ayam Jakarta, Sayur Kare, Soto Bandung, and so on.

Soy Sauce Sambal

100 gr cayenne pepper, sliced thin, at roughly
1 cm ginger, at
5 tbsp sweet soy sauce
1 tbsp water

1. Mixed all the materials, poke and press, and served

Serve with: omelet or frying know

Sambal Tempe

250 gr tempe, sliced small
cayenne many, ulek/chop
1 cm ginger, at
1 tsp sugar
1 / 2 tsp salt
4 cloves garlic, sliced small
4 cloves red onion, sliced small
150 ml olive oil

1. Heat oil, tumis and onion until fragrant white
2. Enter the rest of the material, to poke tempe mature, usually brown color change

Eat with hot rice, nice!

Sambal Terasi

2 red chili fruit
4 pieces red chili sauce
2 cloves garlic
2 cloves onion
1 / 2 red tomatoes
little salt
1 tsp cooked paste
2 pieces of lemon leaves, sliced finely
olive oil to fry

How to create
1. Fry all ingredients 1 / 2 cooked except leaves and lime paste
2. Create a smooth all ingredients, served

Serve with Ayam Goreng, fried tempe and Lalapan

Sambal Tomat

1 kg ripe red tomatoes, sliced
1 tsp cooked paste
salt as
1 tbsp brown sugar
50 ml water
4 cloves red onion, sliced
3 tbsp olive oil

Flavor of mashed
3 cloves garlic
3 pieces red chili, add more for spicy

How to create
1. Tumis onion until fragrant
2. Enter the tomato flavor and smooth, poke the tomatoes were destroyed
3. Enter the salt, sugar, and paste, continue to poke the fire with the decrease being
4. Serve

Serve with rice warm enough: D, eits tomatoes contain lycopene to prevent cancer.